Little Britches Dairy Show
Friday, September 13, 2024
12:30 p.m.
West End of the Hansen Arena
Free for all Ages
The Little Britches Dairy Show is open to youth who are too young to show through Junior Fair at fair time. Child will show a calf that is under four months of age at fair time. The show will be on Friday the week of fair at approximately 12:30pm during the break in the regular showing. Calf will be brought in that morning and taken home that afternoon. Each child will be asked to lead his/her calf around the ring and answer a question from “the judge”.
All Little Britches animals will need to be checked in at the EAST GATE ONLY between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. – where a Veterinarian will check them in, before entering the fairgrounds. You must have a Vernon County Fair Animal ID Check-In information sheet at that time, already filled out. This form can be obtained from the UW-Extension Office or at the Fair Office the week of fair and also online
Please register in advance to ensure we have enough gifts for everyone.
Every child will receive a ribbon and a gift.
A special thanks to the following sponsors:
Kerndt Brothers Savings Bank (Lansing)
River Bank, Westby Kwik Trip (South Viroqua)
Star Blends (Sparta) Rivier Bank, Viroqua
Organic Valley Cooperative (La Farge)
Compeer Financial (Viroqua)
Franklin Lutheran Church (Soldiers Grove)
Vernon County Diary Promotion
Westby Cooperative Creamery (Westby)
Bank of Ontario
Westby State Bank, Westby
Vernon Memorial Hospital (Viroqua)
Citizens First Bank, Viola and Viroqua
Vita Plus, Ryan Fritsche
Vernon County Ag. Society
Wubbenhorst Tax Service LLC
American Family, Wright Insurance Agency
Westby Co-op Credit Union, Westby
Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin (Madison)
Coon Valley Farmers Telephone Co-op
Associated Bank, Viroqua
Gundersen Clinic, Viroqua Nelson Agri Center
Premier Cooperative, Westby
Kickapoo Insurance (Readstown)
Road Ready Tire & Lube LLC (Viroqua)
Klinker Kountry Store, (Viroqua)
Chaseburg Farmer’s Co-op, Chaseburg
Chaseburg Snow Trailers
Mikkelson Farm, Viroqua
People’s State Bank (Viroqua)
Wild West Days (Viroqua)
ALL The Wonderful Parents and Volunteers, who help make this show a huge success each year for our show people.