TaDa Robit Show

Strolling Shows Daily - Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


TA-DA Robots are life-sized, radio-controlled characters that appear to listen and respond to captivated audiences. They are especially a hit with the kids, but adults enjoy them, too.

The Mobile Robots love to talk and show off their driving skills, and they don’t mind posing for pictures with kids, either.

Vernon County Fair has what they call a FREE STAGE, where any individual, group or organization, can perform on the stage. Sound equipment will be provided if necessary.

Contact Information

For more information on the Main Stage Entertainment:

Jim Galstad
300 Washington Street
Westby, WI 54667
(608) 434-4120

Angie Hornby
E7104 Traastad Rd
Viroqua, WI, 54603
(608) 606-3167

Photo Gallery