The Vernon County Fair is NOT paid for by your tax dollars. We are an Ag Society owned and operated fair.

Like other fairs in Wisconsin, and around the country, the Vernon County Fair is actually the Vernon County Agricultural Society DBA (Doing Business As) the Vernon County Fair.

The Vernon County agricultural society has been holding an annual fair in Vernon County since 1856 (with the exception of 2021).

I would actually say that County Fairs have followed the model established by agricultural society fairs started back in the 1800s. When groups of people interested in promoting agricultural and horticulture got together to showcase their talents and products. See article for IAFE (Link).

There are many different types of fairs throughout Wisconsin:

  • Independently owned – Independently operating (Privately, Society, Corporation)

  • County owned – County operated

  • County owned – Privately operated
  • County owned – 4H operated

In the 1930’s through 1950’s, there were changes made by the IRS relating to lobbying activities, tax deductions for charitable organizations, the “unrelated business income tax” (Link) (Link).

In the 1940s, the Vernon county agricultural society was required to become an incorporated company by the IRS or baking (as a 501 (c) 5), to continue providing this service for the community. At that time, they were the only organization holding an annual fair in Vernon County. So when writing the articles of incorporation and bylaws, they decided to operate the business as (DBA) The Vernon County Fair.

Although the Vernon County Agricultural Society is a separate entity from the county, the county does provide some financial support to further the education of our youth , by paying a portion of the premiums provided to junior exhibitors each year ($5000 annually). This is a small percentage of the annual operating costs to put on the fair and maintain the grounds throughout the year ($000,000).

The income from each year is fair, goes towards:

  • Operational cost
  • Building maintenance
  • Grounds maintenance
  • Paying premiums
  • Entertainment
  • Payroll

In 2022, we created a foundation for the fair, the Vernon County Ag Foundation, the primary function of this foundation is to raise capital for improving the Vernon county fair grounds and faculties. And allow people to donate money, tax free as a 501(c) 3 corporation.