Junior Fair Exhibitors:
Please print a copy of this email and turn into your organization leader.
Organization leaders will submit all of the entries to the fair along with their payment.

Open Class Exhibitors:
Please print a copy of this email and bring it to the Fair Office with your payment or mail your entries and payment to:
Vernon County Fair
Bill Marohl
S3784 Bakkom Rd
Viroqua, WI 54665

Please Note:
Please remember to “Submit” your entries and print out your results.

Martech software limits the number of characters for lot descriptions so please refer to the Official Premium Book for full descriptions.


Fair Office Hours (for help with entries and to make payments)

July August 1 August 2
Every Thursday Tuesday Wednesday
12:00pm to 4:00pm 12:00pm to 4:00pm 9:00am to 4:00pm

Appointments can be made outside these hours by:

Emailing us at vernoncountyfair@yahoo.com or Leave a message at (608) 637-3165 (fair office).

We will have computers available for you complete your entries.

Exhibitor Pass and Season Passes will be available at the fair office (During office hours, when they become available).

Your Entries and Payments must be submitted by August 2nd, 2023 at 4:30pm, or if submitting by mail it has to be postmarked on or before August 2nd, 2023.